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It was easier than I thought it would be. Love it
Love it big help
Amazing product
This product helped me tremendously. I don’t have to guess what the price should be. It makes customer service clear and concise.
Awesome! Takes the guess work out, so convenient to use. Less stress for me
Nice list, makes sense, and easy to modify.
The price sheet for these party favors is a great tool to have so thank you very much for making this part of the business a breeze.
I have been making custom items since 1999, but I never had the support, correct pricing or motivation to keep it going. I have been getting short changed FOR YEARS!!!! With this pricing calculator, things are going to change. If they can pay for Louie, Gucci, etc., YOU CAN PAY ME TOO!!! Thank you for this pricing calculator.
Make sure you have Microsoft apps or it won’t open. I love it and didn’t have to take the time to create one on my own. It’s worth it.
I figured out with the pricing calculator, that I have been lowballing my services. I am really excited to see what the future holds for me. I am trying to get into the right rooms, so that I can really showcase my skillset.